A magic carpet ride through the topsy-turvy universe in which we live.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The most peculiar thing happend to me on my way to work this morning.

As I sat on a bench waiting for a bus, I noticed that my world was collapsing on itself. Startled, I began to tell the middle-aged woman beside me that I no longer live within the confines of humanity.

Her reply was confusing, yet brilliant. She looked me right in the eyes and said, "I am the Angel of Death. the time of reckoning is upon us.

Then, around the corner, my bus came. I parted ways with my new friend and got on the bus.

"That'll be one dollar and eighty-five cents," the bus driver exclaimed with a tone of courtesy and a tip of the hat.

"I haven't got any money!" I replied.


"Oh wait!" I said as I reached into my pocket. "I do have this." I proceeded to pull out a velvet rope. I unraveld it in front of the driver. "Now," I explained, "I can wrap this around your neck and kill you right here, right now, in front of everyone on the bus, or I'll bring twice as much money tomorrow and pay you back for today."

"Oh Rowland! You've always been such a kidder. Pay me next time you can."

Everyone on the bus was in an uproar of laughter. I walked arrogantly down the aisle of the crowded bus until I found a nice seat at the back. I sat down on a piece of old gum and some unidentifiable stain.

The bus started moving again.

I gazed out the window to the passing cars on the frozen winter street. After twenty minutes of people watching, I suddenly realized, that I hadn't blinked since I sat down. I also realized that I wasn't looking out the window at all: I was staring at the old man sitting across from me. He looked very afraid.

I spoke out. "I fuck pigs."

The old man reacted by pulling the yellow cord indicating that he wanted to get off the bus at the next stop. I started laughing hysterically.

No one else was laughing with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen "pig fucker" some people don't find this sort of thing funny. I'm a bus driver and I get assholes like you all the time on my bus. Don't waste our time with your stupid stories that hurt me.

11:24 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen "pig fucker" some people don't find this sort of thing funny. I'm a bus driver and I get assholes like you all the time on my bus. Don't waste our time with your stupid stories that hurt me.


1:57 p.m.


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