Flamboyant, Flaming Relapses
Here's a dandy from the Waterloo Region Record.
A Waterloo, Ontario man has had one the most "flamboyant, flaming relapses" ever seen.
And that's coming from his defence lawyer.
The man managed to break all the rules of his house arrest when he went for a late-night drive in his pickup last month.
Court heard the man was driving naked, drunk, high on crack cocaine and masturbating next to a naked prostitute -- and he was speeding when he crashed into a parked car.

He already had a drunk driving record when he was convicted last year of two weapons offences and breach of recognizance.
He received a nine-month conditional sentence of house arrest for that.
However, he began drinking and taking drugs again and snapped on July 30th.
After the crash, witnesses saw him grab his clothes and try and dress while running away, leaving the accident and the naked woman behind.
The judge credited the man with doing well -- right up until he snapped -- and sentenced him to four months in jail.
You may be as shocked as we all were when we came across this story. But Lubomir Loebnovsky wasn't. When asked why, here's what he said:
When I smoke crack with my favorite hooker I usually give my keys to her pimp. After all, I know how hard it can be to smoke crack and jerk-off while simultaneously keeping an eye on the hooker and watching the road. Life is full of challenges.
James Boppre, of Waterloo Ontario, doesn’t know how to multitask. He’s just not capable of juggling the demands of a high speed, crack smoking, prostitute filled, and naked car ride.
Shame on him for driving during his dalliance in sinful sweetness. The man committed so many types of sin at once that he’s not really a human anymore: he’s a contemporary personification of recklessness. Congratulations Mr. Boppre, you’ve transcended your humanity.
Mr. Boppre’s antics violate the condition of his parole. He’s a fallen star. What is really amazing about this hooker loving crack smoker, other than his one man show, a festival of savagery, is that in a previous life he owned a landscaping business which earned him a six figure income. Amazingly the pressures of small business ownership sent him spiraling down a spiral of crack abuse and self destruction.

Apparently Mr. Boppre was supported in court by two rows of family and relatives. This leads me to one of two conclusions. First, it is possible that the rows in this particular court room are very short. Second, there may be more than one person in Mr. Boppre’s immediate circle smoking crack. I think it’s time to cut the man loose. Do you really want him at Thanksgiving this year? How will you keep a strait face when the giant turkey arrives?
As a survivor of drug and alcohol addiction I feel a great deal of sympathy for Mr. Boppre. I may not have fallen as far from grace as he has but I certainly had my moments. I too know the siren’s song of Kitchener’s finest hookers, most of whom know me affectionate as ‘Lubos’. I do not, however, have any sympathy for his reckless abuse of his driving privileges. Driving was the only one of his activities which had the potential to harm someone else.
Thanks for the insight, Lubomir!
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