A magic carpet ride through the topsy-turvy universe in which we live.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Remember Ludvig Borga?

He was a WWF wrestler circa 1993. His biggest claim to fame is that he ended Tatanka's two-year winning streak. The 6-foot-5, 300 pound Borga was the classic anti-American bad guy. He was reknowned for his finishing move, the Argentine backbreaker rack. Borga would give interviews in Finnish and, when asked to speak English, would disparage Americans for only knowing how to speak one language (well, he's got a point).

When his WWF career started to fade, he went to Japan to wrestle. There, he was known as 'the Viking.' The name is very appropriate. Ludvig Borga's real name is Tony Halme. He was born in Finland in 1963.

As his wrestling career in Japan started to die, he went over to the UFC, a league of street fighters, boxers and martial artists from all walks of life who fight each other until one or the other submits or gets knocked out. Halme didn't last long in the UFC. He retired early due to an unspecified injury.

From the UFC, Halme continued to ride out his popularity from the Ludvig Borga character. he recorded a pop album in Finnish and took up mior roles in a few european films. His biggest role was 'Roman' in John McTiernan's Die Hard: With a Vengeance.

Halme's movie career didn't last very long either. It began in 1993, and by 1995 was dead. Poor Tony was type-casted as a bad guy and only got work in action movies.

Jumping ahead a few years, the 'True Finns' party accepted Halme as an independent candidate in the parliamentary elections of 2003. Halme won in his riding with over 17,000 votes. Currently, he is representative in the Finnish parliament.

Halme is notorious for his anti-immigrant views. He has openly admitted that he hates Russians and has on occasions defended his views with fisticuffs in bar brawls. In addition to these controversial polictics, he publicly called the president of Finland a lesbian.

"Some political analysts believe the Halme phenomenon to be a form of protest, but some fear this marks the rise of a political racist right-wing movement." - Wikipedia

In July 203, a hand gun was fired inside his apartment, probably after a domestic quarrel. Nobody was hurt, but the gun was unlicensed. It is also believed that Halme was not only drunk but had also taken a form of amphetamine before the shooting, as he was unconscious for several days following the incident.

His trial was shown live on MTV.

Ludvig Borga. Who'd a thunk it?